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Treatment Of Enlarged Prostate Gland

Proven Bph Treatments And Advice On Herbs

Advances in Treatment of Enlarged Prostate Glands | El Camino Health

While herbal supplements may help with some conditions, always talk with your doctor before beginning a regimen.

Other treatments for an enlarged prostate exist. Sometimes, a doctor will closely monitor you and advise you to modify daily habits to improve symptoms. For example, diet and certain prescription medications can cause prostate problems.

If the problem is severe, several medications exist to treat BPH. You can take them either alone or in combination with other therapies. Minimally invasive procedures also can provide relief.

Personal And Family Medical History

Taking a personal and family medical history is one of the first things a health care provider may do to help diagnose benign prostatic hyperplasia. A health care provider may ask a man

  • what symptoms are present
  • when the symptoms began and how often they occur
  • whether he has a history of recurrent UTIs
  • what medications he takes, both prescription and over the counter
  • how much liquid he typically drinks each day
  • whether he consumes caffeine and alcohol
  • about his general medical history, including any significant illnesses or surgeries

How Is Benign Prostate Enlargement Diagnosed

If your GP suspects that you have an enlarged prostate, you’ll be asked to complete a questionnaire to assess your symptoms.

Each question has five possible answers that carry a score, and your overall score indicates the severity of your symptoms.

Your GP will also want to rule out other conditions that cause similar symptoms to prostate enlargement.

You may have a number of standard tests, such as urine tests, plus some more specific tests, such as a blood test that measures PSA.

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Prostate Milking There You Have It

Okay, so now you know that prostate milking can have several health benefits for you and your prostate. And in addition, it can be very erotic and lead to some incredible orgasms even without any additional sexual stimulation.

But we are willing to agree that many guys will not quite be comfortable with this concept even if it can lead to some mind-blowing climaxes! So knowing that there will be a certain amount of guys who ARE NOT comfortable with prostate milking we should mention that there are natural climax intensifiers that will help increase your orgasm intensity AND increase your semen output as well.

So, for the faint of heart that are not OK with the idea of prostate milking here is a cheat sheet of products that can also help improve your orgasms.

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Using Medication To Reduce Symptoms

Home Remedies for Enlarged Prostate
  • 1Recognize the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Look for a weak stream of urine, dribbling at the end of urination, or an increased need to urinate at night. You may also have difficulty starting urination or need to strain to empty your bladder. If you notice these symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor for an official diagnosis.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the worldâs leading hospitalsGo to source
  • 2Try alpha-blockers if you have trouble urinating. Talk to your doctor about alpha-blockers, which can relax muscles around the bladder and prostate. These drugs help increase the flow of urine when you use the bathroom and keep you from needing to urinate too frequently.XResearch source
  • While adverse side effects are infrequent, alpha-blockers can cause dizziness. The good news is, they typically help relieve symptoms within a few weeks.
  • Take alpha-blockers, like tamsulosin, as directed by your doctor.
  • Most alpha-blockers are safe to take with other medications. Consult your pharmacist for any potential drug interactions with your current medication regimen.
  • 3Explore enzyme-inhibitors if you have a very enlarged prostate. Ask your doctor if enzyme-inhibitors, like finasteride and dutasteride, would be a good fit for your symptoms. These drugs shrink prostate tissue to reduce urinary problems and are often most effective on severely enlarged prostates.XResearch source
  • Like alpha-blockers, dizziness is the most common side effect.
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    What Does The Recovery Process Involve

    Your surgeon will likely advise you to stay in the hospital for one to three days following your surgery. During this time, you will be given intravenous fluids to promote urine flow. And you can expect some blood and blood clots to appear in your urine.

    It usually takes three to six weeks to recover. During this time, you should refrain from strenuous activity. And notify your physician if you experience:

    • persistent bleeding

    Treatments Options For High

    The prostate is a walnut-sized organ that is part of the male reproductive system. It sits in front the bladder and above the rectum. The prostate is responsible for the production and supply of fluid that helps nourish sperm in the ejaculate. The urethra, where urine travels from the bladder to the penis, runs through the prostate.

    As a result of family history, lifestyle, diet, and natural hormonal changes, the prostate begins to grow in size as men age, starting in their mid-30s. When the prostate becomes more enlarged over time, it might press against the urethra and block urine flow . This condition is called benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH.

    Enlarged prostates differ in size. The size can be estimated on digital rectal exam or prostate imaging like an ultrasound. People with very enlarged prostates have several treatment options. However, size is not the only factor used to choose a treatment.

    When doctors evaluate the prostate, symptoms are just as important as size. In addition, size and symptoms dont always correspond. For example, one person might have a mildly enlarged prostate with noticeable symptoms, while another person could have a very large prostate with no symptoms.

    All of this information is the basis of a personalized treatment plan. Here are the options for patients with very enlarged prostates, with or without symptoms.

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    What Causes Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Healthcare providers and medical researchers arent sure what causes BPH.

    One theory is that, as you age, the amount of testosterone in your body decreases . At the same time, your estrogen levels remain the same. These hormone changes may cause your prostate cells to grow. However, people who take supplemental testosterone may develop or worsen BPH.

    Older men and people AMAB also have higher levels of dihydrotestosterone . DHT is a more potent form of testosterone that increases the size of your prostate.

    What Treatments Are Available For An Enlarged Prostate

    Prostatic artery embolization: A non-surgical treatment for enlarged prostate | UCLAMDChat

    For men diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia , there are various treatment optionsfrom lifestyle changes, medication, to surgery. Men may be overwhelmed by the amount of options available and fearful of potential side effects. Urologist Dr. Stephen Summers explains what treatments are available and which options may work best for you.

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    What Is The Difference Between Prostate Cancer And Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Prostate cancer is a common type of cancer that develops in your prostate gland. Early-stage prostate cancer rarely causes symptoms. However, as it progresses, it shares many of the same symptoms as BPH. These symptoms include a weak urine flow, pain when ejaculating or peeing and frequent urges to pee. Prostate cancer may spread to your bones, lymph nodes or other parts of your body. Treatment options include radiation therapy and surgery.

    BPH symptoms are similar to prostate cancer symptoms. However, BPH isnt cancer, and it doesnt increase your risk of developing cancer. It wont spread to other parts of your body. Treatment options include medicines, surgery and minimally invasive procedures.

    Who Is Eligible For Pae

    The PAE procedure is best for candidates who are either ineligible due to pre-existing health conditions or not interested in traditional surgery. An exam with an interventional radiologist can determine if you are a candidate for PAE. At this appointment, you may be asked how often you have urinary symptoms of BPH, how severe they are, and how much they affect your quality of life. Men who have advanced heart diseases associated with smoking or diabetes may not be candidates for PAE.

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    What Is The Gleason Score

    So, how do you know where your biopsy stands? Your biopsy samples will be assigned whats called a Gleason score, the most commonly used way to grade prostate cancer, which will help your doctor make treatment decisions.

    It works like this:

  • Your doctor compares each of the tissue samples taken during your biopsy to normal, healthy prostate tissue.

  • He or she gives each sample a score, or grade, ranging from 3 to 5.

  • The more abnormal your cells, the higher your grade. A 5 represents the most aggressive cancer.

  • Once each sample has been graded, your doctor then takes the two most common scores from all the samples and add them together. These two numbers are then weighted for prevalence. This is your Gleason Score, which can range from 6 to 10, with 10 being the most aggressive cancer.

  • To make it super clear, lets walk you through an example.

  • Lets say a man has a biopsy in which 12 tissue samples are removed from his prostate.

  • After careful study in a lab, each tissue receives a score. Eight of the tissue samples score a 3, while the other four samples each receive a 4.

  • His doctor then writes the two most common scores, 3 and 4, as the final score: 3+4=7. He writes 3 first because more of the slides were graded as a 3, thus giving these readings more significance.

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    Does Masturbation Improve Prostate Health

    Ayurvedic Treatment of Enlarged Prostate Gland

    ByRajgopal Venkataraman | Submitted On July 23, 2008

    Masturbation has been long associated with numerous myths and it is often a taboo subject in many parts of the world. It is as if humans are meant to derive pleasure from others and not on their own!

    The world of sex has undergone paradigm shifts and masturbation is today viewed as a channel for stress relief, a tool for sexual stimulation and an outlet for a better prostate health. There is a definite risk of sexually transmitted diseases and infections during sexual intercourse and masturbation is free from these dangerous consequences of sexual intercourse.

    Hitherto masturbation was wrongly associated with an enlarged prostate. Research has shown a positive correlation between increased frequency of ejaculations and good prostate health. The prostate contributes to a major share of the volume of the semen. Animal studies have shown that carcinogens found in cigarette smoke and environmental toxins concentrate in the prostatic fluid and the more often one flushes out the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and the ejaculatory ducts the less are the chances of cancer of the prostate.

    So go ahead, please yourself! Preventing prostate cancer and prostate enlargements can be a truly pleasurable experience!

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    Beaumont Health Offers Revolutionary New Treatment For Enlarged Prostates

    Monday, July 19, 2021

    Minimally invasive, water jet robotic procedure shrinks prostate while improving, preserving function

    Beaumont Health is the first and only health system in Michigan to offer a novel new treatment for patients with enlarged prostates, particularly those with hard-to-treat, very large prostates.

    The PROCEPT BioRobotics BPH Robotic System is a computer-guided treatment system for benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH. The procedure uses aquablation therapy, or small water jets, to remove sections of the prostate. Urologists at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak began treating patients with the system in November 2020.

    Beaumont now offers the most comprehensive treatment options available for patients with enlarged prostates, said Beaumont urologist Dr. Jason Hafron. The computer can actually sculpt the prostate to preserve ejaculatory function, which is not possible with the older procedures.

    There are no incisions during the procedure, and it can be completed in approximately 40 minutes.

    Were leaping ahead with this technology, especially for men with very large prostates, added Dr. Hafron.

    One of Beaumonts first patients, Joe Rice, 67, of Waterford, had what is considered a super enlarged prostate. Where a typical healthy adult males prostate weighs 40 grams, Rices was measured at 129 grams. The procedure reduced his prostate by about 65%, or 84 grams, making it much closer to normal size with an open channel, said Dr. Hafron.

    Surgical Treatment For Enlarged Prostate

    • Transurethral resection of the prostate . In this surgery, the inner portion of the prostate is removed. Used 90% of the time, this is the most commonly used surgical procedure for BPH.

    • Open prostatectomy .The surgeon makes an incision and removes the enlarged tissue from the prostate.

    • Laser surgery –Laser surgery uses laser energy to destroy prostate tissue and shrink the prostate.

    • Transurethral incision of the prostate .This surgery does not involve removing prostate tissue. A few small cuts are made in the prostate gland to reduce the prostate’s pressure on the urethra, making urination easier.

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    What Are The Causes Of Prostatic Enlargement

    Prostatic enlargement is considered a normal consequence of aging. About 80% of men in their nineties have an enlarged prostate.

    However, the specific underlying causes for prostate enlargement or BPH are not yet identified. yet, its associated with various factors such as:

    Recent studies have shown that the increase in the bodys susceptibility and readiness to the genetic pathological mutations in these cells that lead first to benign enlargement and then cancer due to the high rate of environmental and food contamination.

    Your Quality Of Life With An Enlarged Prostate

    How to Treat An Enlarged Prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia): 12 Natural Treatments

    If your enlarged prostate symptoms are mild and not bothersome, there’s likely no need for treatment. One-third of men with mild BPH find that their symptoms clear up without treatment. They may just watch and wait.

    However, when enlarged prostate symptoms are bothersome or are affecting your quality of life or overall health, it’s time to talk to your doctor about the treatment options. Together you will determine if you would benefit most from medication, a minimally invasive procedure, or surgery.

    It’s important to talk with a doctor when you begin noticing changes in urinary function. You need to find out what’s going on so you can be treated for enlarged prostate if necessary. For many men, especially those who are young when the prostate starts growing, getting early treatment can head off complications later on.

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    Symptom: Inability To Urinate

    This can happen when advanced BPH blocks your urethra entirely — or as a result of a bladder infection. Bladder muscles also may become too weak to force urine out of the body. From any cause, it can lead to permanent kidney damage. You can prevent this by seeing your doctor as soon as you notice symptoms. If you suddenly can’t urinate, go to a hospital emergency room immediately.

    Side Effects Of Urolift System For Bph Compared To Side Effects Of Medications For Enlarged Prostate

    Highest quality scientific studies compared Urolift to placebo or sham treatment. It revealed that men have significant improvement in their urinary symptoms after the Urolift procedure that is similar to or better than those typically achieved with medications. In addition, no men experienced any significant side effects of treatment.

    • Men treated with Urolift did not experience problems with ejaculation. This compares favorably with medications commonly used for an enlarged prostate which often causes ejaculatory problems.
    • Men treated with Urolift experienced improved sexual satisfaction after 1 year compared to non-treated men. This compares favorably to medications and other surgical treatments for BPH which tend to worsen sexual satisfaction in men over time.
    • Men treated with Urolift did not experience dizziness or stomach upset, common side effects of medications.

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    Laser Surgery For An Enlarged Prostate Is No More Effective Than Standard Surgery

    This is a plain English summary of an original research article

    Two procedures to treat men with enlarged prostates are both effective, new research has shown.

    A benign enlarged prostate is not cancer and is not usually a serious threat to health. But it is common in men over 50 and some need surgery to treat troublesome urinary symptoms caused by the growing prostate. The most common procedure is transurethral resection of the prostate which is usually successful but can lead to complications such as bleeding in some men.

    The UNBLOCS trial compared the effectiveness of TURP to a new laser procedure which might reduce a patients hospital stay and cause fewer side effects. The thulium laser, ThuVARP, vaporises excess prostate. Men who needed a prostate operation were asked to consent to either procedure without knowing which one they would receive.

    One year later, men in both groups were satisfied with their surgery. They reported similar improvements in their urinary symptoms and quality of life. There was no difference between the two procedures in terms of hospital stay or complications. However, men in the TURP group achieved a faster urinary flow rate . TURP was also slightly more cost-effective and faster to perform than the laser procedure.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Enlarged Prostate

    4 Natural Home Remedies For benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH ...

    When the prostate becomes enlarged, it can block the urethra and impair bladder function. Symptoms that may indicate this is happening include:

    • Urinating many times a day and being unable to hold off urination
    • Problems starting a urine stream or a weak or interrupted stream, followed by dribbling at the end
    • Waking at night to urinate and accidental loss of urine

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    What Are The Possible Complications

    Urinary symptoms do not worsen in everyone. Serious complications are unlikely to occur in most men with an enlarged prostate. Complications that sometimes occur include:

    • In some cases, a total blockage of urine occurs so you will no longer be able to pass urine. This is called urinary retention. It can be very uncomfortable and you will need to have a small tube inserted to drain the bladder. It occurs in less than 1 in 100 men with an enlarged prostate each year. See the separate leaflet called Urinary Retention.
    • In some cases, only some of the urine in the bladder is emptied when you pass urine. Some urine remains in the bladder at all times. This ongoing condition is called chronic retention. This may cause repeated urine infections, or incontinence .

    Note: the risk of prostate cancer is not increased. Men with a benign prostate enlargement are no more or less likely to develop prostate cancer than those without benign prostate enlargement.


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